Sunday, July 11, 2010

Violet (BORA LIM) - Movie magic

This is Movie magic project. I watched there kind of movies and I chose two movies. One is “Harry potter”, the other one is “The others”. I learned How to describe my mosaic and how I developed it to reflect the movie clips. Also, I learned How to write an essay. This was very interesting class because I can take a class like this class in Korea. My imagination and expression was important in this class and I had to express my own feeling. “Harry potter” and “The others” are the movies which I chose to describe. These movies are very suitable for the Movie magic because they are charming to describe and make collages or mosaic.
When I was watching “Harry potter”, I focused on one scene: Some beautiful girls showed up to audience. They moved to the front. Their movement was gentle and elegance. It seems like a running stream. All of the girls wore blue-silk dresses. Their motion was quick and light as a feather. When I was watching this movie, I imagined a land of fairies when the girls showed up and walked on the screen. They walked like ballerinas surrounded by light blue butterflies. So, I will express these images in my collages.

When I watched “The others”, I felt as if they have a dark secret. The scenes were very dark all the time. The house where a woman and her children live was so mysterious. The woman seems to have a big secret. However, she didn’t tell anyone, even children’s nanny. The background music was gloomy, too. A little yellow candle light was the only light in this house. I couldn’t find any other light. The pitch darkness swallowed all light but the candle still cast a pale light on the house. In the second mosaic, “The others”, I want to make highlight in the darkness.

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