Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dora's Autobiography

"I Just Can't Get Rid of THESE Things, They are Part of ME."

Everyone has their own meaningful things in the world. Maybe these things look old and not worthy, but they usually contain important stories for the owner.

Just like everyone, I have my own meaningful things. They represent what kind of person I am, and they maybe represent how my family affects me. I like art very much. I always think it’s impossible for people to live without art. Both music and painting are really important to me, and I like to play the piano and drawing since I was very young. I think making art is really interesting even though I don’t know what I’m drawing or what kind of piano melody I am playing, I just have fun during doing these things. The crayons represent I’m the person who loves art very much. I just can’t live without art.

Besides arts, I like to do sports. Sports not only make my body stronger, but also make me become more energetic. I used to be a shy and quiet girl until I entered the university. I met some good friends that love to play basketball like me. We practice together, play with each other, and even won the second place in the ball games. I am not a shy girl anymore; I become more talkative, and I make a lot of friends than before. Sports really changed me a lot, so I love it! It makes my life become more wonderful and happy!

There’s one more important thing that is really meaningful to me. I’m Taiwanese, of course I have a pair of chopsticks and I can use them very well just as every Asian. Chopsticks have existed for about almost 3000 years. And it’s really important to me because I have to use them to eat my food just as knives and forks are really important to westerns. This pair of chopsticks is my culture. And it was said that chopsticks was origin from China. Western people don’t use chopsticks; they use knives and forks instead. And I’m really happy to be an Asian.

There are still some things really important to me. And I need these things every day. Without them I don’t think I can live regularly; if I don’t bring them with me I won’t feel at ease. They are my watch, schedule book, and my toothbrush. I’m a person usually be on time; I seldom being late, because I think it’s rude to let others keep waiting for me. Otherwise, I will feel at ease when I have time on my wrist. And my schedule book is important to me; I wrote my plans on the schedule book so that I won’t forget any dates or appointments. The last one is my toothbrush; it plays a really important role in my life. I have were braces for almost two years. And my toothbrushes are different from the toothbrush that everybody uses. I can only buy it from dentist, and I would have decayed teeth easily if I don’t brush my teeth everyday!

I like my things in my life. They’re all meaningful to me. Though these things may look like normal things in others mind, but they are all part of me. They are what I am.

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