Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hsuan- Chun Hung(Dora) Movie Magic

Don’t you think that colors make the world become more beautiful? There are a homework for us to do is to observe the colors in the movie clips and describe the colors and than we create two mosaics by ourselves!

I choose “Harry Potter” and “The Others” as my favorite movie clips. There are a lot of interesting scenes in the Harry Potter. But I feel it’s horrible in the “The Others”. But both two movie clips with dark color more in the films than bright color. I think dark colors are not always mean “bad”, they can be mystery and steady. Sometimes these colors make people feel elegant. Both these movie clips look mysterious because of their dark colors, but there are still several bright colors that make the picture become more wonderful. The bright colors are also really important in these clips.

In “Harry Potter”, when the door opened, and the girls come into the restaurant with bright blue clothes, water-blue hats, and gold, curly beautiful hair impressed me in the movie clip. They walk and dance with charming, confidence faces. And the magic butterflies look fantastic flying around them; the butterflies are flying beautifully with shiny blue, striking wings. When they pass by the boys that sat at the table, they seem to feel dizzy because of their attractive smell. The girls dance elegantly for a while as their performance when they come to the school.

In “The Others”, the house looks gorgeous and horrible. And it is whitewashed inside with some luxurious furniture. When the woman with ball-shape hair style shut all curtains of a room of the gorgeous house, the house looks as dark as the hell so that you can’t see anything inside. Then the women lighted up the candle and the room looks black inside just like the dark night with the yellow, full-rounded moon inside except the people’s faces that are inside the dark room.

To create mosaics, I think I’ll use bright blue, which is blue as the sky as girls’ clothes, and the wood-brown as the restaurant background. And I use black and white as the student of Hogwart. And I also use dark red as the boys’ school’s students. They make a fire from the stick they brought, and I use some bright colors such as blood red and bright yellow as the spark they make from the stick. For the other picture I’ll use dark black as a background and bright yellow as the candle light, it will look very mysterious and maybe a littler bit horrible.

I finish my mosaic by these colors and I cut the paper into different kinds of shapes and glue them on my papers. It’s really fun for me to create the mosaics by watching these movie clips!

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