Sunday, July 18, 2010

American Culture and Panamanian Culture!!

American Culture and Panamanian Culture

American Culture has a lot of important values and assumptions such as individualism, competition, privacy, equality, informality, time, directness and assertiveness and many more. Also Panamanian culture has very important values and assumptions that I am going to discuss and write about them and also I’m going to write about the similarities and differences between them.

For Americans individualism it is so important to teach to their kids since they’re little because that will help them in the future to make good decisions but in Panama is different because parents do not teach their children when they’re little, they learn how to make their decision by their own once they are growing up.

Competition, privacy, equality and informality is very similar, in Panama too because when we grow up, everyone wants to be the best in everything and win everything. In America, women and men have the same rights; they’re equal, in Panama too.

About the time that would different because Americans take time really seriously and Panamanian do not take the time as seriously as Americans do, Panamanian only take time serious only for important events, for example: wedding, job interview or really important appointments, but most of all times we are not as punctual as Americans.

About the directness and assertiveness it is similar but not much, for example: students in the U.S. classrooms they can fully express their feelings if they disagree with something, but, in Panama sometimes you just have to listen and take notes of what the professor says.

About other similarities that Panama culture has with the American culture is that we use the same money and we also celebrate the same holiday that they celebrate for example: New Years Eve, Christmas Eve, Father’s Day, but there’s some holidays that we don’t celebrate the same date as American, for example: Mother’s Day, and American have also another holydays such as Halloween, St Patrick’s day those are holidays that the Panamanian Culture do not celebrate.

Sometimes the food is similar but not all the time, similar is: the French fries, pizza, hot dogs, but Panama has traditional plates, for example: Sancocho, tamales, bollos and many more that are typical from the country.

The Panamanian folkloric music is typical and cultural from Panama and so the American music it’s so different 100% in compare with the folklore, here the music is more rock and other genres coming from rock.

Americans have a big movie industry something that we don’t have, and I really love the movie industry from the U.S. I wish we could have one Hollywood in Panama.

I conclude my essay pointing that there’s similarities between people from the U.S. and from Panama because both are super nice people and they’re always happy to help you. The difference is that in Panama when you are walking in your university and see a lot of people you don’t say hi to them if you don’t know them, because they will think that you are crazy. Here in the United States almost everybody say hi to you even if they don’t know you, and I think that maybe that it’s a good thing that everybody should try to do and make a very peaceful world.

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