Sunday, July 25, 2010

Autobiography by Alejandro Lopez

I’m Alejandro and I am 16 years old. I already explained to the class the way I am through the pictures. I said that I’m rebel, I like to do things my own way and if someone or something tries to stop me I just step on them. But now I would write what I remember of my childhood that made me the way I am now. The first thing I remember is that when I was younger my family was close between all the members, and we were very happy I always had at my side my cousin (Roxana). The first great event that I remember is when I came with my mom and dad to Disney when I was 4 years old, I barely remember some things of that trip cause I was too young but I remember some places and my mom and my that together and I remember that I was too happy. However beside that trip, my childhood was in a big house that was in a weird place over the woods in Venezuela. There with my cousins I get fun every day doing stuff like exploring the woods or riding bicycles or maybe skates, that’s the way I grew up. My little sister was born when I was 4 years old and of course all my life changed then, Its common to feel that your little sister keep all the attention of your parents, well I felt that way too, but I remember that I didn’t care about that too much.

With the years I started to be less in the woods house (that was my grandmother’s house) and I started to live in a 3 floor house near the capital, (actually that house is just two streets from where I live know) in that big house my life was like any other kids life. My father was manager of a shoes company so economically we were pretty well. Years later the company went broke, my father lost all his money and my mother (that is a surgeon) started to work the double shifts we reached the point that I was eating beans for an entire month and nothing else. That changed my life, when that happened I was like 7-8 years old and I complained that things in life sometimes are really dark, but my mother never gave up and I helped her making necklaces all the nights to try to pay the counts. All I know is that we sold the big house and we bought a little one close to that one(the one that still my home to this days) the house was abandoned so we pass years fixing it and finally the house become a pretty home. Then I understood the value of hard work and I learned to never give up, no matter what’s happening.

The next event that changed my life was when I was 12 years old, and my father’s got separated and I really don’t want to write about the details but I started to be disappointed with my father since he left the house. All he said before he went was, “Now you are the man of this house get charge of it”. In fact me and my mother passed through a lot of hard things to finally get stable again, I never had to work for money, but I did and am still doing something in the house to help my mother. My father he never forgot us, he always come to our house and take us somewhere to eat or just get a ride, I mean he is not a bad man, and I know he is penitent of what he done, but for me it’s just too late, I still love him as my father but I don’t want him again with us all the time, the rest of the details, well I just prefer to keep them.

I don’t know how all those things made me stronger and fearless, and also fill me with desire to live top experiences, so I have done a lot of things since that time, like fly in a flying wing (I’m not sure how to translate that), I took control of an ultra light plane (that was Amazing) I bought a motocross motorcycle and I love to ride it and make crazy things with it and get off-road. Also I have now a rock band and I love to play with them or just playing the guitar alone feels great. I have now a house in the beach too so I go there in the summers and I love it too, so I think that I learned through all my life to appreciate life itself and now I just want to live it.

For the future I have planned to be a pilot and I know I will be because I never give up. I hope I can study a career to start working and then pay my flight hours for the license. Flying is something that since I was a little kid kept my attention, I like the combat pilots because I love speed, and feeling the G forces and all that stuff, but also I would like to be a commercial pilot because it’s more formal and I could enjoy a civil life. The music, I think the music would always be my hobby and in my free time I just want to play the guitar until the day that I die. The thing that inspired me to start playing was feeling I think, because, I hear the songs but it wasn’t enough I needed to play and be part of the song, it’s a pretty weird explanation but that was actually what happened.

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