Sunday, July 25, 2010



Hi my name is Elea del Carmen Ortega Sanchez, AKA, Eleita Kutcher Bouvier and this is my autobiography. I am nineteen years old and I'm just a really simple girl who really enjoys making friends around the world and getting to know about the cultures, traditions and customs.

I'm the only child and I just live with my mom and she is like my best friend. We do everything together, but I also see my dad everyday and we also practice karate together. I entered karate school when I was five years old, at the beginning I hated the karate but then when I quit it at the age of sixteen, and I was already a black belt, then I started to like it again so I came back and I practiced two or three days of the week.

Since I was little I have been talkative. In kinder garden I was always talking and talking with a classmate, laughing etc. and then the teachers would always tell my mom, "Elea is a very happy girl and she is always talking with friends, but she should talk less in class." I have always been a girl that has good grades, so don't think that because of my talkative way of being caused me to get bad grades. Some of my best friends I have known since I was in kinder garden, and we are still friends, they say that they used to laugh with me a lot and they still do, they say that I haven't changed not even a little not even at all, only that I'm older, but they say that my personality is still the same, happy, full of joy, energetic and full of craziness.

I was always creating new things to do in class. I remember when I was in sixth grade, I used to stand over the teacher's desk and sing for all my classmates and then they would start singing along and clapping and screaming my name so loud pretending that I was a big star and then they would ask me to sign their notebooks. Also I had this big tall friend who was my bodyguard, it was so funny to hear all my class partners screaming my name and telling me really loud that they loved me so much. It was hilarious.

By the age of eight I was really into music, I was always singing around the house, Britney Spears's songs and Shakira's but never performing in front of a big audience, just for my family in parties, such as New Years Eve, Christmas Eve or the birthdays of some of the members.

Then when I was a teenager, well I'm still a teenager, but when I was around 13 and 14 years old, my inclination to music changed, because I started to listen to music of Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte, blink 182 and the most important band ever SIMPLE PLAN, the band who change my life! I didn't listen too much at the beginning but then they become my favorite band of all time, the thing with simple plan is that, it doesn't matter if they change their music genre is more about my love for them, I love the way they are, I love their personalities and I do not care if they change their style I will be there, always supporting them, always.

Simple Plan helps me always to settle down, whenever I feel angry or sad, I just put their music and I feel good right away, that's why I put them on my picture of objects that represent who I am.

At the age of 15 years old when you are in junior high, in Panama, you have to decide which bachelor you want either science or trade. In Panama when you are in high school you are not able to select the subjects that you want in contrast with The U.S. where you can choose the subjects that you want; well my dad is a cardiologist and when I was 15 years old I wasn't sure of what I wanted but people say that if you select the science bachelor you will have more opportunity of jobs etc. So then as I wasn't sure of what I wanted to be I chose science, so I got my science bachelor, and then when I was out and reading all the careers at the technological university of Panama, I chose marketing international business even though that wasn't my speciality because I had studied science, but once I saw the word international, I said, "Oh my God, I really should select this one because I love to travel around the world, so this is the perfect choice" and so I chose to be in the Technological University of Panama, studying Marketing and International Business or Trade.

And so here's when I got a 360 degree change because I grew up in the same school since I was in kinder, so it was always the same people around me never new ones, so the university was a big change for me, not a challenge because I love to make new friends so it wasn't a problem, but things were going to be different. But yes I start it and then weeks passed and I got new friends with other perspective of see the world, because I was coming from a private school, where the majority of the kids are spoiled and they think that they are the center of the world, they don't care about anything, they just want everything and they don't care that their parents have to pay for their things but they are like that, I never thought like them. So my university is public,people are different, and they have their foods in the earth. But a love both of them, my friends from school and my friends from university. They are different it is true, but that what makes them unique and I like that.

While I was in the university I met a professor who told me that he had this academy of music. I have always loved the music too much, music is my passion, and I really love the classical music too, my favorite instruments are the violin, the piano, and the guitar, so this professor tells me, "hey there's gonna be a festival of ballet in my academy of dance and music," and then he gave me this brochure so then I asked him what instruments do they teach in his academy and he told me that they teach piano and violin, so I immediately thought "This is my opportunity to learn how to play one of them." So I chose the violin because I think that is way harder than the piano, so I decided the violin first, and I used to take violin classes every Saturday morning, but I'm not professional yet, I am still a beginner, but you know what they say "Practice make the master."

My future expectations are to finish my major and be able to talk fluidly in six languages; Mandarin, Italian, French, Portuguese, German and English, so I can communicate with people in my business, I want to work with big companies of fashion designers and always no matter how rich or how successful I'll be always keeping my personality untouchable and always be myself because at the end of the day, all that matters is the person that you are inside.



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