Monday, July 19, 2010

Comparison by Alejandro

There are lots of similarities and differences between the American and Venezuelan culture. Some of them could be the way we go to the places because there’s a big difference between punctuality because in Venezuela we just arrive late to the parties and all that stuff, but here in the USA all the people are very punctual and get to all the places at time, if a party starts at 8:00 the Americans would be there at 8:00 in Venezuela we probably would be there at 9:00. Another big difference is the way the girls dress here. They always wear a long T shirt (XXL) and a small shorts under the shirts , and that’s something that every girl does. In Venezuela the girls just wear different kinds of clothes, like dresses or jeans and T shirts.
Something that that is pretty similar is the celebration of the New Year, because both cultures celebrate it at December 31 and make similar celebrations in that day. Like Both cultures make reunions to all the family members and then they have a dinner with turkey or pork as principal dish, both cultures launch a lot of fireworks to announce the end of the year at 12:00pm of December 31. In Christmas we can se a lot of similarities between American and Venezuelan culture because on December 24 in both cultures there’s a familiar reunion and dinner with all family members and they share all night and both (American and Venezuelan) make a present exchange too. The kids receive a lot of gifts from the families. The Santa Claus is common between both cultures, too.
Another really big difference is the way the people are, because in Venezuela if you have a problem the community surely would try to help you because the way we were raised it’s to help the others, here in USA the tradition is to be an individualist person, and each person it’s looking for their own benefit so maybe they care about the others situation but they don’t do anything, be an individualist work when we talk about the economic sense, because if everyone it’s focused in their benefit then everyone would reach their objectives in life and the economy of everyone raises. But when we talk about the kindness of the people I see that Americans are not specially warm people, and they are always looking forward and sometimes we have to look at our side too, and in Venezuela I think people it’s warm in that sense, because if you are an American and get lost in Venezuela surely someone would help you without any interest just kindness.

Well both countries have similarities respect to the competitive aspect. In Venezuela we are really competitive people (mostly in the sports) and we compete until the end, here in The USA it’s really clear that the people it’s competitive too.

In the music we are different too, because the Americans have their rock music (which it’s my favorite) and in Venezuela we traditionally hear the joropo that it’s Venezuelan traditional music and its far away different from rock and all that stuff. In fact the Venezuelan hears mostly Latin music that from my opinion it’s better than joropo like the merengue or the salsa.

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