Monday, July 19, 2010

Value comparison between BurkinaFaso and United States of America

Burkina Faso that has sixty ethnic groups and The United States are both countries of great ethnic and religious diversity. It is undeniable that both countries have noticeable common values but also do have some differences. What are these values that are or not similar to both countries? On the one hand, this essay will discuss the value similarities that both countries share and on the other hand, it will point out some of the values that differ.

One considerable similarity is competition. Americans like to compete
and this is part of the everyday life.We see competition through sports such as American football, baseball, basketball and soccer and others which exist for juniors, seniors, high school and professionals.
For Americans, competition is an important value because it gives everybody an equal opportunity to succeed. Those who are winners are praised and rewarded without distinction of their historical background. Similarly, in Burkina Faso; competition is seen as a field of objectivity where there is no cheating. Traditionally, there are tilling, hunting, wrestling, dancing heroes. Recently, athletics, cycling, and boxing are largely developed as consequence large number of potential competitors.

Another similarity is hard work. Americans see hard work as the path leading to their success in life. It seems a legacy of the protestant who were the dominant and influence the foundation of American traditional values. Known as "Protestant work ethic", it is contently interiorized in every American. In the same way, a good son or daughter is primary known by his hard work. In addition, children are taught that a good son or daughter is the one who will hold more deeds than their parents. They should work hard to raise the standard of the family living whatever hardship they encounter in life. Hard work and consistency seem also a legacy for us and our people is known as brave in the sub region, holding the second best university results also. The country's current motto is Unity-Work-Justice.

Although both countries show such similarities, a closer look reveals that there are some differences. Privacy is valued in America.
People think that they should have time to be alone or they have a personal space wherever they are .Unlike these considerations ,the Burkinabe has a community mind and most of the time do not think of being alone. They are in family in age or gender group working having meals or enjoying time.

Another difference is informality that is popular in the United States where people address each other freely, dress freely, which is not viewed negatively. On the contrary, in Burkina Faso, women foe example are expected to refrain from wearing very short skirts and low-cut dresses, and from smoking in public. Officials and uniformed people are always approached with respect. They and their offices should not be photographed. As a rule, elders, even if they are only a few years older, are treated with high respect.

The points developed earlier show how competition and hard work are common values in both countries while in privacy and informality, there are contradictions. Above all, when we start comparing two cultures, they are being drawn closer to each other and to mutual understanding. Therefore, a personal analysis is that the two countries have more values in common than they have in differences.

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