Saturday, July 10, 2010

Byun UKyoung(Naymo) Movie Magic

This essay will talk about the way I will make two pieces of mosaic after watching movie clips in class. I decided to choose ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Stealing Beauty’, the first and the last clips we saw. The Harry Potter mosaic will show the scene when two competitions from other schools visited ‘Hogwart’ and they are showing off themselves. The Stealing Beauty mosaic will describe the scenery of wonderful nature and the beauty by using several colors.
The reasons why I chose Harry Potter is that the movie is relatively familiar to me. Additionally, because we had a chance to watch the clip one more time, the description of Harry Potter will be clearer than that of the other. In case of Stealing Beauty, I could watch it planning with more organized view about colors than before. Also, because I planned the mosaic for Harry Potter clip to be precise, Stealing Beauty would be described more roughly. I want different atmosphere between the two pieces of mosaic.
In describing Harry Potter, 6 colors will be used to show the scene when the 2 other school students come into the ballroom. First, the background will describe Hogwart. Hogwart has colors, red brown, yellow, and black. Actually red brown and yellow are colors of Griffindor, which Harry Potter, Ron Wisely, and Hermione belong to. However, in the scene, only the three students were shown and the only colors I could see were three from the uniforms and scarves they were wearing. This will be background colors of the mosaic. Second, the mosaic will include the girls wearing blue uniforms, which are described in blue or sky blue. They are beautiful and tempting to Hogwart boys along with flying blue birds which are shining. They are smart and full of pride of themselves. Their lovely beauty and pride will be described through different shapes. Lastly, the boys doing martial arts will be shown with colors: fire red, yellow and orange, and dark brown. The colors will show the boys are strong, powerful, and also threatening to the Hogwart students.
When making mosaic for Stealing Beauty, it will show the scene the beautiful girl was going in the car. The background was not a mild, clean nature, but a wild and broad nature, which show spectacular scenery. It will include brown, both mild and dark, and dark green to show trees and grass, and sky blue. The background will be vertical three lines of the above three colors. And among the nature, the artificial color white, that of the car, was very noticeable. And as a symbol of the beauty, I will choose pink, because pink will present the gorgeousness of the beautiful girl, who is not appropriate in the wild nature.
This is the way how I will describe the scenes in the movie on mosaic. One is Hogwart from Harry Potter, which faced with two other school’s amazing students, and the other one is the grand nature and a hot beauty driving through nature.

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