Sunday, July 25, 2010

Autobiography essay

Student: kouliga koala
Instructors: Jess; Jasmine
Class: American culture
Date: 07/24/2010

Autobiographical essay

Originally from Burkina Faso, located in the heart of West Africa, most of my life has been devoted to my studies. In order to achieve some of my goals and have a better education in English, it was necessary for me to travel to another country, precisely the USA. I am now experiencing cultural blending that is also contributing in shaping my personality. Obviously, my life has also been influenced by important people such as my mother.

It was to pursue my studies in Pouni, a province- 20 kilometers from my hometown that I left my family when I was twelve. Even though I was far from them, it was a pleasure and great excitement to study in a different place. At the end of the fourth year, a degree was issued to me and I was transferred to the third region largest school in Koudougou. There, I got my baccalaureate degree the third year where after I moved to the most famous and largest public university in the capital city, Ouagadougou. With this degree, I decided to major in English at university .The University issued an attestation of success at the end of every academic year and I got two of them. But my deep wishes were also to be able to speak English in a way that people could understand me. Therefore, I always wished to have the opportunity to hear native speakers and meet them to compare and improve my language skills. So, in 2008, I applied for the Fulbright program and fortunately, I have been selected to study in the USA.
It is a great experience to live in a culturally diverse country and discover about different ways the reality of life could be different. Undoubtedly, this switch from one country and continent to another, and as being the first one, plays an important role in my view of things and therefore changes my personality.

Basically, my personality was influenced by my mother who always supports me emotionally and financially. By the way, she is a brave woman with versatile ways to convince people and make them be optimistic to see that the shade of the bad does not necessary hinder the light of the good. These qualities of her, of which I realized were important when I think about what impact my father's death that occurred when I was only 12 would have had on me make more than half of the person I am today. Her motto was “God helps those who help themselves”. She always said that my father’s spirit was always with me and as long as I would stay conscious that I am the center of the way to make my own destiny, I would embody what my father wanted for me instead of regretting his lost and get disappointed or thinking about what he could have done to help me. Relating God and the spirit of my father, I could not have rejected any of her strong and convincing pieces of advice. I strongly believe in God, that He is always there to provide me with what I want in order to pursue my goals. From my success in my former career to my current situation, the strength of her Omni benevolent words play a decisive part. All I can say is 'Thank you to have had you as a mother"

In conclusion, it is difficult to mention every detail about one's own biography since some are forgotten, some so good or bad in the way that they seem unnecessary, or some that we do not know that are from our childhood. So, briefly the three important aspects of my life were my education career, my travel and acquiring experience in the USA and the influence of my mother. Of course, I expect my future autobiography to be better

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