Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cultural Icon by Alejandro Lopez

Who is Gustavo Dudamel and Why I choose him?

The Venezuelan icon that I would like to write about is Gustavo Dudamel. Gustavo Dudamel was born January 26, 1981; he started to dedicate his life to music at the young age of 10 years old when he entered violin classes. Without finishing he’s violin training he started to study composition to lead a symphony in 1995.

Something that it’s really amazing about him is that with just ten years latter he would be the director of the symphonic of Berlin that is one of the most famous. His debut was with the philharmonic of Los Angeles California where he made an extraordinary performance in 2005. His career has really taken off since 2005. In 2006 he married with Eloisa Maturen and went in 2008 on a European music tour with the philharmonic of Berlin. Right now he’s working with the Gothenburg Symphony in Gothenburg, Sweden. He claims to feel the music to feel alive when he is there on the stage, and that make him continue no matter what, so I know how it feels and I’m agree with that opinion we must find the reason to continue forward and music is mine, everybody should have one.

I choose this man because he doesn’t live with limits in any moments of his life. He just looks forward all his life, and I mean, I never thought that he wasn’t something, he just doesn’t care the size of the thing he is now director of 3 important symphonies. However, I’m sure that he’s not thinking that he reached the maximum point at all. Actually, I think that he still looking forward, he enjoys his life, he reached his goals but now he proposed new ones to himself, and I’m sure he would get all those new ones.

What I feel is the same thing just look forward no matter what or how much it can take. I want to reach my goals, and I know I will do it. For my life is not long enough to regret, we have to work on what we want and enjoy it at the same time. I don’t put limits on myself in nothing I want to do, because no matter in which circumstances I am or if something that its hard for me its easy for others I just thing “I can do it” and it work for me because I never give up and I sure Dudamel is the same way as me in this aspect.

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