Sunday, July 11, 2010

Movie Magic Project/Mosaics Elea!

The two clips that I have chosen is Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire and the third clip Stealing Beauty.

I can describe the short clip as a very large dark place with dim candles floating around the room with a lot of people that are students from a school called Hogwarts, their outfits are long black dressing gown, and they all are paying attention to the director Albus who is talking behind a bright golden owl and is wearing a vintage hat of a forest green color, he also has a long grey outfit, he also uses glasses, he has grey hair and a white long beard, he looks like an old man, which I think its truth because he looks like 70 years-old. Well he is announcing that a group of ladies and gentlemen are coming to Hogwarts, and all of the sudden they start to come in like a circus way doing juggling and dancing in the middle of the room between the two longs tables, and then the magic starts to happen. First the ladies all dressed the same with blue/grey outfits as well as blue/grey hats, they all look thin and neat and they are also really beautiful, like perfect dolls. After the perfect ladies, are coming the gentlemen with long brown sticks, and they are wearing a dark brown outfit with black belts around their waist , they seem really serious, and everybody is impressed around the room and they start to run and they get really close to Albus and then one of them throws fire from his mouth.

The second clip that I have chosen would be Stealing Beauty because seems to be a really interesting and romantic history. The clip started with a girl in a car that probably is going to take a journey, the landscape it's beautiful, with a blue sky and beautiful clouds, and there is not a lot of trees around, everything looks like a desert, and it seems to be very warm and dry, she is in the back-seat of the car looking outside of the window and she holds a black and white notebook and it looks like a journal, after that she arrives to an old place and she is wearing a bright red shirt with a blue jean short and with a light brown belt, she has long dark brown hair, blue eyes and beautiful face.

They way that I planned to do my color mosaic, is that for example I'm going to use the black to represent the outfit of the students of Hogwarts the grey to represent Albus's long outfit and forest green for his hat, all the yellow circles means the dim candles around the room, in the middle of the mosaic you'll see blue/grey colors that represent the perfect ladies and on the back you'll see dark brown colors, that represents the serious gentlemen.

The other mosaic with the two huge yellow balls in each side represents the desert and and then the grey color lines represent the long path and a sky color represent the color of the car and the red represents her t-shirt.

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