Sunday, July 25, 2010

Michelle's Autobiography!

On July 13th, 1994

"I’m a sixteen year old teenager with a dream and a reality threatening to knock it down but guess what? I’m going to battle hard!"

Like in everybody’s life, so many changes have passed in mine and I cannot count the people who helped me to be just Michelle; but who am I? It’s pretty difficult to answer, isn’t it? Should I start with the past or the present? Life’s schemes make me think in a past, present and future order but it’ll be funnier if I start with the present.

You actually know that I am from Venezuela, my mother tongue is Spanish and my full name is Michelle Deniesse Lugo Navas. I turned sixteen last week and since I’m older I started thinking so serious about my future, well my career in fact. My dream and biggest passion is becoming an actress, I belong to the drama club of my school; my “actress career” is kind of starting because I’m in a commercials agency and I have a Manager! There is only one bad thing and is that my parents just don’t like it! I can’t stand it but I completely understand them because they want me to be a professional and I want it too, I’ll be an actress and an engineer too.

"I love animals but if a teddy is dressed like a doctor I won't probably buy it; mom wants me to be a doctor but I don't want to, so..."

For luck that confusion is almost the only problem and obviously the most important; I don’t really have preoccupations. My relationship with my parents is great, my friends are awesome, my grades are excellent, and one of the most important facts: I feel lucky because I have a soul-sister who is my best friend in this world! Now I am grateful because I love my life! There are some events which I’d like to forget or revive, some people who I want to leave or bring back to my life, some words, many actions, and also feelings… I cannot get away from these memories which is good because are an important part of my life, and part of me.

My mom is a surgeon and my dad a lawyer; I have two older siblings and we don’t have the same mother so since my siblings live in other towns I can say that I’m an only child. My parents didn’t have so much time to be with me because they were studying their careers and maybe that’s why I like studying a lot; anyway their time spaces were only for me, at an early age they taught me how to read and how to write, academics were their priority. Now when I think of my good grades I know that forty percent is owed to them and sixty to me. I love my parents! I have moved just one time and I’ve been living in the same house for thirteen years. I am catholic, so I give thanks to God every time I can for having this life.

"I do want to study in a good University! I would like to study in the United States! I ought to get a scholarship... Could I get a scholarship?"

Many events modified my life, but I’m supposed to mention the ones that changed my life. I can split these events in two kinds: physical and emotional.

I must admit that I have had cosmetic surgery on my nose! Really! And I had it when I was almost five year old! Actually what happened was an automobile accident and I got hurt so doctors had to “fix” my nose, from this accident I can remember people telling my mom to leave me in the car because it was going to explode and mom pulling my arm and then I just remember the operating room and that’s it. I used to have a scar in my nose but it has vanished with the time. That was the first important event that changed my life.

Other important change in my life was the first time I visited the United States when I was seven year old, I came with my family and I can just say that it was awesome! I think that was the moment when I started loving the USA and I wanted to come and study here.

At the same age another change happened: I had to leave my school and I started in my current school; it may seem difficult for a little kid! You know, make new friends and get used to other place and syllabus; but I was excited and I really wanted to be in the new school although I had good friends and great grades in the other school. Nowadays I think one of the best things my parents could do was to register me in “Mater Dei School”, I love the school! The professors, authorities and partners are great! I love everything in my school! I know that the school is the best in my town! And it’s also the place where some of the most important things happened. I don’t want to graduate and leave the school.

I met my boy-best-friend in fourth grade, his name is Andres and since 2003 we have shared everything! We are pals and we understand and help each other so boys and girls can absolutely be friends! People think we are together or dating, but we’ll never commit that crime! I give him nicknames like papi, my love, sweetie, and fat, and he calls me in the same way! It’s good to have Andres with me; I think he is one of those who changed my life and my personality.

When I got in Middle School I started thinking differently, had a clearer vision of the life and what I wanted for me; I dreamt of a superstar life, at first it was temporary but when I got serious and I experimented how acting felt I realized that it was not temporary insanity. During all my life I watched TV and almost always I could get into the roles’ environment, I knew what will happen in the next chapter because I thought as the characters. Yes, my passion for performing started on Middle School.

The most detonating change in my life was at the age of thirteen when I was in eighth grade; it was a change in my appearance. My hair used to be curly, but awfully curly! I looked really bad so my mom and I decided to change it and thanks to the technology my hair is now smooth and I don’t have to iron it. This change was the most detonating because it completely changed my appearance and makes me look beautiful, which I like and boys too!

"Sometimes I think about myself like the girl in the picture: gorgeous and mischievous. Sometimes I want to hide myself behind those sunglasses... Hide myself? Yes, fans will recognize me without the glasses!"

The last really important fact to mention in my autobiography is my best friend Daniela; I have known her since we were in sixth grade and we used to hate each other! We became friends by coincidence in ninth grade and now we are best friends. Daniela is almost my sister! We like exactly the same things; we are one and the same. I didn’t write a paragraph about her because she is just my best friend, I did it because in some way she is the one who understands my passion for acting and she encourages me to fight for it! Maybe because something equal happens to her. I hope our friendship lasts forever! Daniela and I use nicknames like she-wolf or witch because of those stories we have… Definitively she has really influenced me!

To finish my autobiography I'll show you my motto: A little bit is never enough! I always repeat it to myself. I will never give up! I’ll reach all my goals! I can see my future coming and the future is what we make.

"Dreams are life and life is only one, why don't we fight for our dreams? Don't you think it is the best way of living? Break a leg guys!"

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